CATOTRON – A Neural Text-to-Speech System in Catalan
Baybars Külebi, Alp Öktem, Alex Peiró-Lilja, Santiago Pascual, Mireia Farrús
CATOTRON – A Neural Text-to-Speech System in Catalan.
In: Interspeech 2020; 2020 Oct 25-29; Shanghai, China. (Online)
We present Catotron, a neural network-based open-source speech synthesis system in Catalan. Catotron consists of a sequence-to-sequence model trained with two small open-source datasets based on semi-spontaneous and read speech. We demonstrate how a neural TTS can be built for languages with limited resources using found-data optimization and cross-lingual transfer learning. We make the datasets, initial models and source code publicly available for both commercial and research purposes.
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