Bilingual prosodic dataset compilation for spoken language translation
Öktem, A., Farrús, M., Bonafonte, A. (2018)
Bilingual Prosodic Dataset Compilation for Spoken Language Translation.
Proc. IberSPEECH 2018, 20-24, DOI: 10.21437/IberSPEECH.2018-5.
This paper builds on a previous methodology that exploits dubbed media material to build prosodically annotated bilingual corpora. The almost fully-automatized process serves for building data for training spoken language models without the need for designing and recording bilingual data. The methodology is put into use by compiling an English-Spanish parallel corpus using a recent TV series. The collected corpus contains 7000 parallel utterances totaling to about 10 hours of data annotated with speaker information, word-alignments and word-level acoustic features. Both the extraction scripts and the dataset are distributed open-source for research purposes.
Open access in ISCA Archive and UPF e-repository.