BibleTTS - a large, high-fidelity, multilingual, and uniquely African speech corpus
Preparing an endangered language for the digital age - The Case of Judeo-Spanish
Corpora compilation for prosody-informed speech processing
Congolese Swahili Machine Translation for Humanitarian Response
TICO-19 – The Translation Initiative for COvid-19
Participatory Research for Low-resourced Machine Translation - A Case Study in African Languages
Gamayun – Language Technology for Humanitarian Response
CATOTRON – A Neural Text-to-Speech System in Catalan
Masakhane – Machine Translation For Africa
Tigrinya Neural Machine Translation with Transfer Learning for Humanitarian Response
Prosodic phrase alignment for machine dubbing
Building an open source automatic speech recognition system for Catalan
Bilingual prosodic dataset compilation for spoken language translation
Visualizing punctuation restoration in speech transcripts with Prosograph
Attentional parallel RNNs for generating punctuation in transcribed speech
Revising the METU-Sabancı Turkish treebank: An exercise in surface-syntactic annotation of agglutinative languages
Prosograph: A tool for prosody visualisation of large speech corpora
Automatic extraction of parallel speech corpora from dubbed movies
From raw data to semantically enriched hyperlinking: Recent advances in the LinkedTV analysis workflow
Processing the manuscripts of Atatürk